I would like to thank the Returning Officer Stephen Baker and Ingrid and the team here and across Suffolk for their efforts in making the nuts and bolts of democracy work on the day.
I would like to thank the police for hosting this count and for keeping the huge numbers of people queing to vote yesterday under control! I should mention too my thanks to the staff of the Police Authority - particularly Chris Jackson and Claire Swallow. It should be recognised that these staff are the most directly impacted initially by the advent of PCC's. They have worked exceptionally hard to prepare for this fundamental change.
This result shows that Labour is back in Suffolk and not just in Ipswich and Waveney. I have recieved support from people in our villages and in our Market towns. It shows that issues of social and economic justice matter in a big way to people across Suffolk. Thank you for voting for me.
I would like to thank my agent John Cook and Sandra Gage. My thanks also to the hard work by members and supporters of the Labour Party & what I stand for across Suffolk; to the Unions, particularly UNISON and to those police staff who supported me - staff who really understand the challenges facing the police service in Suffolk.
This campaign has been a privilege to be part of. I have met with so many people across our diverse county who have shared with me their personal experiences of crime and their fear of crime.
Saying no to privatisation
Stopping the cuts because by cutting more than 15,000 police officers this government is only going to undermine the fight against crime
Protecting local & visible policing which is at risk because of the cuts
Putting victims first & at the heart of the service - including vulnerable victims such as women and girls, children and older people, those with disabilities and those from black and minority ethnic communitites.
These messages have gone down well with people and are reflected in the result.
I pass my congratulations to Tim and wish him well in his new role.
I look forward to continuing to play a part in ensuring that Suffolk is a safer place to live, visit and work for everyone.
Thank you
I wouldn't worry Jane, forget weather and bad process, the greatest reason for such a low turnout is that most of us did not want these party political figures brought into Policing. Well there may be more acceptable options David Cameron despite saying he listens, did not ask us, nor did he listen to those that cast a doubt on the process and role.
ReplyDeleteHe has wasted money that could have put more officers on the street and with such a disasterous turnout, none of the candidates have a voter Mandate to do the job. To admit this though would make him look more of a Do'Nut and less of a leader than he looks already. Despite having the chat, he could not lead a funeral cortege.