Naturally I am disappointed at the result. I am though proud that in what (according to pundits) was considered the 6th safest Conservative area in the country, on a normal election method, I came first.
I would like to thank the Returning Officer Stephen Baker and Ingrid and the team here and across Suffolk for their efforts in making the nuts and bolts of democracy work on the day.
I would like to thank the police for hosting this count and for keeping the huge numbers of people queing to vote yesterday under control! I should mention too my thanks to the staff of the Police Authority - particularly Chris Jackson and Claire Swallow. It should be recognised that these staff are the most directly impacted initially by the advent of PCC's. They have worked exceptionally hard to prepare for this fundamental change.
This result shows that Labour is back in Suffolk and not just in Ipswich and Waveney. I have recieved support from people in our villages and in our Market towns. It shows that issues of social and economic justice matter in a big way to people across Suffolk. Thank you for voting for me.
I would like to thank my agent John Cook and Sandra Gage. My thanks also to the hard work by members and supporters of the Labour Party & what I stand for across Suffolk; to the Unions, particularly UNISON and to those police staff who supported me - staff who really understand the challenges facing the police service in Suffolk.
This campaign has been a privilege to be part of. I have met with so many people across our diverse county who have shared with me their personal experiences of crime and their fear of crime.
The key planks of my campaign have resonated with people and these are:
Saying no to privatisation
Stopping the cuts because by cutting more than 15,000 police officers this government is only going to undermine the fight against crime
Protecting local & visible policing which is at risk because of the cuts
Putting victims first & at the heart of the service - including vulnerable victims such as women and girls, children and older people, those with disabilities and those from black and minority ethnic communitites.
These messages have gone down well with people and are reflected in the result.
I pass my congratulations to Tim and wish him well in his new role.
I look forward to continuing to play a part in ensuring that Suffolk is a safer place to live, visit and work for everyone.
Thank you
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Saturday, 10 November 2012
ARTICLE East Anglian Daily Times Published 9/11/2012
election next Thursday – 15th November – brings a big change to how
Suffolk’s police service is run. I am asking for your support because I have
the skills to make the new job of Police and Crime Commissioner work for all
of our communities.
I have worked for organisations large and small, including Tesco,
Harrods and Mothercare, and in the public sector too. I was Chief Executive of
a charity working with vulnerable victims of crime. I have also worked within
our prisons and with ex-offenders. Alone amongst the candidates I have worked at
top management level for Suffolk Police.
I have a reputation as an achiever and independent thinker,
working at a strategic level, managing large scale budgets, making far reaching
and difficult decisions based on strong analysis of information. All are vital skills and capabilities
essential to the role of Commissioner in today’s tough times.
As well as indispensible business skills, I have unique first hand
experience of our Police service. I also have direct insight into the lives,
impacts and journeys of victims and witnesses through our criminal justice
system. I understand too the priceless contribution of the voluntary and
community sector to the quality of our lives.
am hugely supportive of the Police. They do an incredible job, sometimes under
the most difficult of circumstances. I know this because I have worked with
them and been out on patrol. Watching them deal with intense provocation with
skill and humour cannot fail to command respect.
We all know the Police are affected by cuts to public services. Hard choices are being made; services reduced, merged, or, in some cases, abolished. Weighing those decisions, gauging their impact and tough questioning is a crucial part of the Commissioners job and so is ensuring the public have a full chance to ‘have their say’.
The Commissioner needs to lead a full and open debate on ranking
priorities, how tight resources are best used and how we can jointly fight to
win the best deal for Suffolk. Without a willingness to question, challenge and
evaluate police effectiveness, the role will be a waste of money – an expensive
I will defend visible local policing in rural and urban areas. I
support maintaining and, if possible, increasing front line operational
policing roles including the Special Constabulary and PCSO’s.
I will also defend less visible policing – especially those units
that protect our young people and children from internet crime and sexual
I want to put victims first – including swift and effective
responses to anti-social behaviour. I also believe recent cuts to compensation
for those whose lives are permanently damaged by violent crime are disgraceful.
Restorative justice works but it needs developing to succeed more
In too many instances privatisation has failed - from the debacle
of G4s at the Olympics to non-stop rises in fuel costs. That’s why I’m squarely
opposed to handing police functions to private firms to run. Suffolk Constabulary is already taking back
previously ‘outsourced’ work where expectations or promised savings have not
been delivered. Improved efficiency and effectiveness is achievable, without
I will work with any and all organisations, communities and
individuals who are committed to cut crime, reduce reoffending and promote
rehabilitation. Public services under pressure need to cooperate more than
ever. The closure of acute hospital beds for those with severe mental illness
for example can simply shift a health problem onto the police, courts and
Restoring a clear link between the public and their Police can
bring real benefits. People have told me
they want their Police service to be more accountable to them. Commissioners
bring with them increased flexibility to manage policing activities in response
to the needs and priorities of local communities.
The Commissioner job is an enormous challenge that will put
whoever is elected on a steep learning curve. It’s a new and radical departure
without a blueprint to follow. I am no stranger to the hard work or the
learning needed to meet that challenge. I believe my background will serve me
well. My solemn undertaking to the people of Suffolk is to give my total
commitment to the role.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
1. During
a time of government cuts, how would you protect community policing teams?
Public visibility, engagement and
responsiveness of uniformed staff, critical to public confidence and well-being
are not best measured by crude figures of overall staff numbers or posts. I am
already hearing about reduced visibility of PCSO’s for example when talking
with people on the doorstep or in their High Streets. I want to see developed,
in partnership with local people, widely understood measures that can be
tracked over time and used to check that resources are deployed where they are
needed. That these measures focus on community policing teams.I think that in
order to supplement, not replace, these teams there needs to be a drive again
to recruit more Special Constables. Also to consider schemes such as officers
(Police, PCSO’s and Specials) on bikes for this might go some way to increasing
visibility of community policing teams. There are 22 PCSO posts currently
funded from sources other than Suffolk Police, and these need to be protected.
Suffolk Police Authority has received
positive reports from HM Inspectorate of Constabulary for it’s innovative
approach in developing ‘shared services’ with Norfolk Police as a means of
limiting the impact of financial pressures on ‘front line’ uniformed staff
numbers. I know that without such collaboration Suffolk would be unable to
survive the cuts and I don’t have a problem making economies in this way.
I am though concerned that Suffolk gets
a good deal from all joint initiatives like this and critically that Suffolk
people are more informed and engaged than they have been through proper consultation
on such changes. I will be looking into collaboration in some detail to ensure
there is no longer term impact on community policing teams. I do not want to
see a merger of the two forces developing by default or, ultimately, the
appointment of a single Chief Constable.
I have pledged to keep police on the
street. I stand against the privatization of policing services as I believe it
will impact negatively on community policing teams. The push for privatization
is significant in our region and a major contract for Cambridgeshire,
Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire has just been postponed until after the PCC
elections. We are seeing reference to ‘patrols’ in such contracts. Our police
service is based on policing by consent and the idea that police officers are
members of the public. Community policing teams are also supported by a whole
range of other police staff and other agencies.
I do not believe our model of policing
can be realised if we have private companies delivering a range of policing
services from patrol through to the control room. We are already seeing private
firms delivering public services refusing to answer Freedom of Information
enquiries. They are able to do so under the guise of ‘commercial confidentiality’
and this means that transparency and accountability to local people is eroded.
There is also concern that contracts purchased by the Government have wasted
money and there appears to be no clear strategy to protect community policing.
2. Is
spending £70,000 + on a PCC salary the best use of scarce public funds in this
time of financial austerity?
I believe that the concept of a democratically
elected person bringing local accountability to policing is a sound one. Additionally
I have pledged to donate a proportion of my salary to charity. When the idea of
Police Commissioners was first put forward by Whitehall gurus during the
previous government, it was the Local Government Association (LGA) under the
Labour leadership of Sir Jeremy Beecham that led the campaign to convince the
government that this was a costly and unnecessary exercise.
Unsurprisingly the LGA had the unanimous support
of Conservative Councils who all argued that existing Police Authorities were
best placed to provide local accountability for the Police. The Conservative Party also though campaigned
against the idea of PCCs and accused the government of riding rough-shod over
the views of councils. The Labour Home
Secretary took the approach from the LGA seriously, and reversed the decision
to set up elected PCCs. It was
surprising therefore that that the Conservative-led government should then
institute elected PCCs so soon after taking power.
The annual salary is in fact the least
of it. The costs of the legislation and elections at this time could, according
to some estimates, have funded an additional 5000 police officers. In Suffolk,
the basic allowance of each Police Authority member (currently 17) if claimed,
is over £7k p.a. on the basis of a commitment of 25 hours per month. The total
Police Authority budget is currently just over £1 million. This budget will be subject
to cuts, but the Police & Crime Commissioners office (including the PCC salary)
will eventually come from it.
Having said all of this, the people of Suffolk
now deserve the best candidate. A PCC who has not had direct experience of
working with the police and the wider criminal justice system and those most
vulnerable in our society, will not be able to ensure that the police’s limited
resources are spent in the best way. Nor will they provide the appropriate
level of influence to other critical partners, and so justify the salary. I
have the right background and experience which is why I applied. These are
political appointments but I am committed to ensuring that I represent all the
citizens of Suffolk. I will meet regularly with all political parties &
Independent groups in Suffolk.
3. Can
you promise to retain and improve existing Safer Neighbourhood Teams?
I ’m happy to commit to retaining Safer
Neighbourhood teams and to seeking improvements. It is essential that officers
know their communities and benefit from that additional local intelligence that
comes from regular contact. SNT’s are however also dependent on a range of
partners and this includes the voluntary and community sector, who often play a
vital role at a local level. PCC’s have a role, in listening to communities, to
ensure that, so far as is possible, policing resources are deployed to reflect
public priorities.
PCC’s present a real opportunity to
influence other partners to play their part. As PCC, in discussion with the
Chief Constable and communities I need to understand what is working and what
isn’t and then use my influence to bring partners to the table, to resolve
issues of community safety. There are tremendous risks and challenges in trying
to achieve this, not least because genuine fears of crime and victimisation and
insecurity often do not reflect any calculus of actual risk. Only by working directly
with communities, ensuring all interests are represented and have a voice is
progress likely to be made.
4. What
role do you think the Police should have in establishing positive activities
for young people in local communities? What actions would you encourage them to
It is vitally important that the police
have the opportunity to meet and listen to all sections of the community
including young people who sometimes find themselves stereotyped by society.
The Stop & Search reference group, led by young black men, I helped set up
is an example of that. There are fantastic examples in Suffolk of other successful
activities involving the police and young people. I would encourage the police
to continue with these, but to ensure that they are inclusive and that they do
so with other partners such as schools, clubs etc
5. Do
you agree that rehabilitation should be the focus of the justice system? Would
you promote community sentences and restorative justice for less serious
Yes, I do, with some caveats. I wanted
to comment firstly though that we need to ensure offenders are brought to court
much more quickly than is currently the case. This will be better for victims
and means better outcomes for Restorative Justice, where it is agreed.
Recidivism measures the current failure
of our criminal justice system to contribute to building a better society. If
we can avoid criminal records for low level crimes then we are giving people
better opportunities not to reoffend. Prisons are needed but the lions share of
their costs are devoted to security not the rehabilitation of those sent there.
I have 1st hand experience of some of Suffolk’s prisons and have
been actively involved in providing meaningful work experience for young &
adult offenders and ex offenders. As PCC there are some challenges here as the
majority of Suffolk’s offenders spend their time in prisons outside of Suffolk.
I think there are opportunities as part
of a wider national network of PCC’s to look at this issue along with colleagues
in Probation, Prison, Courts, Crown Prosecution Service and voluntary and
community sector working in this area. I will seek to influence rehabilitation
opportunities for Suffolk offenders to reduce their reoffending rates when they
return to Suffolk. This will include challenging the cuts to education, drug
and alcohol services and ensure perpetrator programmes linked to domestic
violence, sexual violence and hate crimes are available.
I am a strong supporter of Restorative
Justice as used effectively it can help turn lives around and have a
significant impact on reducing reoffending rates. Research undertaken by the
Restorative Justice Council shows higher level of victim satisfaction and
reduced reoffending rates. It is vital though that it is delivered by
accredited experts and subject to close scrutiny, evaluation and monitoring.
The Labour Party wants to see Restorative Justice offered routinely to all
victims as part of sentencing requirements.
Community Resolution again is an
effective tool, delivering justice and solutions at a local level with no need
to go to court. I know however that the victim does not necessarily have to
agree to Community Resolution as an outcome and the police officer has
discretion (this may change with the recent announcements on this by the
Conservative Party) I was concerned to read recently that whilst Suffolk has a high
use of Community Resolution there were some offenders who had been the subject
of multiple use of Community Resolution. It must not be used in place of
alternative sanctions and rehabilitation tools in order to drive up detection
rates and reduce the burden on a reduced and stretched court service. It has an
important role to play and should be used wisely, by well trained officers, and
its use, including victim satisfaction rates, must be closely monitored and
I believe that the needs & wishes
of victims should be central to the criminal justice system. There is an
important role too for independent specialist victim services to help victims
make the right decision. As PCC I want to ensure that these tools are used in
the right place at the right time and that those delivering them are
effectively trained to do so.
6. How
would you support the right to peaceful protest?
The police have a vital role to play in
ensuring that peoples’ right to peaceful protest is properly protected and
respected. This is true for Countryside Alliance supporters to those protesting
against cuts to disability benefits. I have taken part in many peaceful
protests. We have a proud, legitimate and strong tradition in the UK of setting
new standards and norms and producing change, through peaceful protest. This
includes maintaining the right for life to continue as normal for those who live,
work and visit areas where a protest takes place. It’s not an expensive luxury
to be dispensed with. Nor should it be seen as an easy source of savings in
straitened times. People will always campaign against injustice and in a
changing world what’s seen as unjust will always be changing. As the PCC I will
ensure, in discussion with the Chief Constable that this right remains intact
and that the police response is effective and proportionate.
7. Would
you give more attention to addressing environmental, wildlife and animal
Yes. One of the most pressing needs for the
successful prosecution of environmental crime is a realistic schedule of
penalties. I will seek to ensure that
Suffolk Police are serious in pursuing environmental crime, working in
partnership with Local Authorities and the Environment Agency. Additionally I
will use my position (in conjunction with other concerned PCCs) to lobby
government to make the penalties for environmental crime sufficiently strong to
deter the crime. I would also seek to enable improved enforcement to be funded
from the proceeds of the fines. Wildlife crime is often linked to other rural
crimes such as theft of diesel and metal.
As PCC I would like to see a clear strategy
developed with other statutory and voluntary partners to support enforcement
and detection. Animal crimes are also on the increase and we know that in these
times of cuts agencies such as the RSPCA, and indeed local animal shelters are
struggling to meet demand. Again this is about partnership working, with the
voluntary and community sector as key to deliver prevention messages as well as
enforcement. I feel that these types of crime are too
often ignored unreported and rendered invisible. This needs to change, but it
will change only when people believe it’s worthwhile to report such crimes. To
get to that position means people having confidence that their reports will be
treated seriously and acted upon. As PCC, I will meet regularly with and listen
to independent groups that understand and work on these issues and their wider
social impact.
8. How
would you ensure that the 52,000 people from black and ethnic minority
backgrounds living in the County receive equal police treatment and protection?
I would say that the figure given is
likely to be a significant underestimate. I know from my previous role this
figure does not include a very transient population; people who are sofa
surfing or those living in houses of multiple occupation. It is vital that the
police have the trust and confidence of all communities if the policing by
consent model is to be realised.
Statistically people from Black and
Minority Ethnic (BME) communities are more likely to be victims of crime and so
it is vital that they have high level of trust and confidence in the police.
The right sort of training must be delivered throughout the service and a
culture of discussion and openness on issues that impact on BME people
developed. Officers, police staff and Specials must be empowered and confident
in this regard.
Community led reference groups on
complex issues of racial inequality such as stop and search are vital. Vital
too is working with grass roots groups, who are equipped to understand people’s
rights, to allow people to come and talk about their experience of local
policing. This should include places where complaints can be aired in a safe
place – 3rd party reporting centres for example.
My direct experience of police
complaints shows that officers who may display racist attitudes are often
poorest in their treatment of people generally. What is important is that
outcomes from complaints and challenges are used to shape policy and practice
across the organization to achieve change.
I think it is imperative that the
Equality Duties are embedded in the police service. Analysis and information on
issues such as Stop and Search, Hate Crime (including response times, support
for victims, prosecution & outcomes) BME people who are victims of crime,
BME people who are perpetrators of crime, Complaints, BME recruitment must be
shared in an accessible way. Despite the demographic changes in Suffolk there
remains a significant underrepresentation of Black and Minority Ethnic officers
and staff in all roles and across the ranks and grades. This needs to be
reviewed to understand why in order that positive action can be taken to
address the inequalities.
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