
Saturday, 1 September 2012


LETTER PUBLISHED IN BURY FREE PRESS FRIDAY 31 AUGUST response to one published the week before urging people to vote 'no' to Police & Crime Commissioners
Andrew Donovan ('Jobs for the boys?’ letter 24 August) was slightly wide of the mark about Police & Crime Commissioner elections. I'm not an ex-politician and I've never been a councillor. Nor am I a 'boy', but I plan to stand for election this November.

I'd prefer that the cost of the elections was devoted to keeping and improving frontline police numbers but that's not my decision. The elections will happen and my job is to offer the people of Suffolk a real choice when they cast their votes.

I oppose the privatisation of police work and the cuts to their funding. I'll do my level best to protect local communities from both. ‘No change’ is no longer an option – it’s not a ‘yes or no’ vote.

I have a unique combination of experience at a senior level, both in the police service and the voluntary sector, with a track record of making public services accountable to all local people without fear or favour. I'll work with any willing partner that shares my objective of driving down crime and re-offending.

The Commissioner job is full-time and pays £70,000 p.a. and I have pledged to donate a proportion of the salary to charity. Costs will be met from switching funds from the present Police Authority structure which will go.

Jane Basham
Suffolk Police & Crime Commissioner Candidate
Labour Party

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